Friday, January 2, 2015

To meditate or not to meditate....

January 2, 2015

Homeschooling choices.....

If I can get over having to teach 7th grade pre-algebra while homeschooling on a boat....I am more inclined to think I can add another subject to our daily learning.


While watching a news show on the benefits of giving kids Two 15 minute segments a day to have Quiet time.  A California school extended their day by a half an hour so they could include meditation.

NBC Nightly News on Meditation (click here to see clip)

I have done meditation and have reaped the rewards of this amazing centering, but have not been so apt to extend that knowledge to our boys in a concentrated manner.   A few times a week I sit with our boys at bed time and listen to them and draw them out, but I think this addition to our routine will be welcome - and - a lifelong gesture of love for their self actualization.   Since this trip is about connecting with our children along with sharing our passions.  This self connection is also paramount.

I would love nothing more than giving our boys the ability to find solitude, quiet, centering thoughts and mindfulness at an early age.

Time will tell and the efforts will be noted.

I just hope I can etch out enough time in the next 9 months to practice meditation more for myself, as well as, start the conversation with them.

Other articles:
David Lynch Foundation   and

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